Defending the vulnerable

Events Gallery

Aflateen Youth Clubs Graduation & Enterprise Visits

Adolescent club members from all communities visited a local enterprises where the businessman/women shared about their business, their journey and how to use one’s hand to become financially empowered.
Adolescents who completed the sessions received their certificates for participating in the Aflateen+ program and are now empowered with social and financial skills

Faith Catering Services Launch

We lauched Faith Catering Services  a social enterprise and subsidiary of Faith Foundation. Young women from different communities are provided an opportunity to learn about food career paths, catering, entrepreneurship and earn income. The mobile catering unit and vending cart run by our beneficiaries takes empowerment and sustainability to a new level. Furthermore profits from sales provide FF with a sustainable source of income for our skills training program.

Gender Champion Award

In November 2021 the Faith Foundation visionary Kundai Makonese was awarded the Gender Champion award by the Dutch Embassy. Each year this award recognises people making an outstanding effort to make Zimbabwe a better place for girls and women. As an awardee the organisation received a grant to support our work and participated in capacity building workshop.

Defending the vulnerable

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